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|July 10,2017

88% Of Active DWG Salespersons Chose To Cross Over To Propnex Realty

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88% Of Active DWG Salespersons Chose To Cross Over To Propnex Realty

SINGAPORE, 10 July 2017
PropNex Realty announced today that 88% of active DWG salespersons who earned at least $50,000 or above in 12 calendar months have crossed over to PropNex. Many experienced salespersons and top team leaders from DWG moving into PropNex together with their downlines to bring their careers to greater heights, with more opportunities in project sales and trainings provided by the agency.

Out of the 1,063* DWG salespersons as of 7 July 2017, 845 salespersons (80%) have signed the PropNex Associate Agreement consenting their transfer to PropNex Realty. As of 10 July 2017, 799 salespersons have successfully transferred to PropNex while the remaining will cross over in the weeks ahead.

Based on the Council for Estate Agencies (CEA) registry on 10 July 2017, PropNex is officially Singapore’s Number 1 largest real estate agency with 6688 salespersons.

Of the balance 218 DWG salespersons who did not choose PropNex, 105 are inactive salespersons whom have clocked zero production in the last 12 months. Some from this group of salespersons might possibly not be continuing their careers in the real estate industry. For the remaining 113 DWG salespersons, majority have decided to continue their estate agent service in other real estate agencies.

“Since the announcement of the merger, many agencies went all out to woo the DWG salespersons to join them. I am truly humbled that ultimately, 88% of DWG’s active salespersons chose to pursue their real estate careers with PropNex. We are committed to continuously provide great opportunities and support for our newly joined salespersons to help them reach their potential professionally.” said CEO of PropNex Realty, Mr Ismail Gafoor.

The following table depicts the latest ranking of Top 8 Real Estate Agencies in Singapore with more than 500 salespersons. Figures are updated as at 10 July 2017 based on the official CEA website.

88% Of Active DWG Salespersons Chose To Cross Over To Propnex Realty

(Click here to view the Top 8 Agencies in Singapore as of 10 July 2017)

PropNex leads in new project sales even prior to the Merger

Prior to the merger in July 2017, PropNex has been excelling in new project sales segment in the first half of the year (Jan to June 2017). The agency led in terms of total sales, against the Joint Marketing Agencies (JMAs) for close to 20 projects in Singapore, as reflected below:

88% Of Active DWG Salespersons Chose To Cross Over To Propnex Realty

(Click here to view the list of projects)

Mr Ismail Gafoor believes that the merger is a stepping stone for even greater success in this segment, “Judging by the enthusiastic response from former DWG salespersons to our project-driven initiatives and the vast opportunities we offer as the leading Marketing Agency, I am confident that their real estate careers will be nurtured here at PropNex and that they will be able to contribute positively to our performance in the new launches.” Mr Ismail Gafoor commented.

In the span of just two weeks, PropNex has witnessed more than 500 former DWG salespersons actively participating in special immersion programmes. Many of which focusing on project marketing. Examples include, Zonal trainings, Project launch trainings and Project bus tours which had a very strong response.

Ms Wong Khai Linn, is one of the few former DWG salespersons who managed to close deals after applying the strategies learnt during the special training, “Game Changer 2017” conducted by the agency one week after the merger announcement in June. “Having being inspired by the session, I decided to apply what I learnt and ended up closing my first high net-worth deal at Ardmore throughout my three year career as a salesperson. This has truly sparked my motivation to attend even more PropNex trainings to elevate my business to a higher level.”

Few hundreds of salespersons have also signed up for agency-led initiatives like the latest Accelerated Closing Techniques (A.C.T) programme and Signature Salespersons Bootcamps which will be conducted in July and August respectively.

DWG Enjoyed Smooth Transition During the Merger Process

Senior Strategic Partner, Dr Dennis Wee highlighted, “In the past four weeks, the commitment shown by PropNex to integrate DWG salespersons into its culture had been incredible. The extensive administrative support provided plus special briefings conducted personally by the PropNex leaders have contributed to the smooth crossover for the salespersons. I am truly happy that majority of my salespersons have chosen the right home for them to grow their real estate businesses to the highest levels possible.”

Mr Lionel Ng, Associate Branch District Director who had been with DWG for the past 21 years, is one of the top leaders who crossed over to PropNex together with his team.

He shared, “I’m very impressed with PropNex’s track record and the strong infrastructure and support system provided by the agency. My downlines have shared that they are inspired to achieve greater success in their real estate careers, now that we are part of an established brand in the industry.”
Another leader who transferred to PropNex is Associate Group District Director, Mr Benedict Lim. He shared, “There is a great positive vibe and special kind of synergy in PropNex. Salespersons can feel the immense support from the management during the various initiatives after the merger announcement. This excites me and team to grow our Singapore real estate business here at PropNex.”

He added, “With PropNex being the marketing agency for close to 50 local and international projects, we can now offer our clients a wider range of homes to consider for their purchase. I believe the agency’s strong performance in new project launches will pave the way for my team to excel in the segment in time to come.”

With the added strength and its status as Singapore’s #1 largest real estate agency, PropNex is confident that its 6688 strong salesforce will add greater value to all property developers in their outreach to home investors while at the same time, match consumers to their dream homes with the wider range of listings available.

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